Performance Anxiety

Damn, I just got an email from GamesTM saying that they’re not sending anyone to TGS except me as a freelancer and my mate Jude, who just got a job on Play, their PlayStation magazine. That means I’m solely responsible for getting pictures and impressions of games, attending (and recording) interviews, and just general photography around the show.

One side of me is really excited but the other side really doesn’t want that amount of responsibility when I was going to be there for a holiday. There’s less than a month to go until I go to Japan and a little over a month until TGS so I’m sure I can sort out any concerns that I have in the meantime, but when my duties at trade shows so far have amounted to little more than playing new games and writing what I think about them this is a ton of responsibility. I’m sure I’ll benefit in the long run and it will mean that I can get more paid work in the time before I finish university, but still…damn.

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